The American aspen, locally known as the “Trembling Giant,” is a tree system. Pando consists of about 47,000 trees growing from the same root system. Clones of this massive organism have an estimated weight of 6,000 tons, making it the heaviest organism on Earth, and at 80,000 years old, also the oldest living organism, although individual trees only reach an age of about 200 years. There is no biological clock for this system; it can only be destroyed by external factors (e.g., environmental). The system does not reproduce sexually with seeds but rather asexually through its root system. An interesting fact about this tree species is that fire does not harm it; rather, it benefits, as after a fire, it grows much faster than the “competition.”
Old Tjikko
The tree whose origin dates back to the Ice Age is the Norwegian spruce in the province of Dalarna in Sweden. Despite its modest appearance of 4 meters in height, this tree or tree system, which is a venerable 9,561 years old, has a unique way of reproducing: a new root system begins to develop on a bent branch (most often due to winter), enabling reproduction. The tree trunk can die off and regrow multiple times.